We've seen some growth in the use of websites such as TripAdvisor and an increasing number of our guests say that they found us thro' TripAdvisor...but we have great concerns about its integrity and the accuracy of its ranking systems. We've discovered instances of hoteliers writing their own reviews, dissing competitors, or campaigning for their guests to write favourably. We've been at the receiving end of glowing reviews but also some very hurtful and unfair reviews. Is this right? Should it happen? On the other hand we do find the site useful when researching our own trips. Let us know what you think. Should we ignore all reviews, respond to all reviews, or only reply to certain types of posting?
We've added a page to our website...http://www.thecross.co.uk/TripAdvisor.htm
The Cross at Kingussie
Restaurant with Rooms
I signed up to TripAdvisor because I so strongly wanted to warn people off an awful hotel I'd stayed at. Then I made a point of recommending the Cross as it's one of my favourite places! Kathryn (keen hillwalker, not visited you since June...)
Thanks Kathryn...hope to see you again soon!
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